A lot of people are into hiking, nowadays. They must have already uncovered the many benefits of this outdoor activity. But if you are one of those who haven’t explored this yet, then this list might entice you to go out and hike.

1. It De-Stresses Your Mind.


Busy city life can take a toll on your sanity. Fast-paced living can get you exhausted if you won’t take a break.

Going out in nature can be a great mood booster. Gregory A. Miller, Ph.D., president of the American Hiking Society, says that research shows that hiking has a positive impact on combating the symptoms of stress and anxiety.

According to the study that the University of Derby and The Wildlife Trusts conducted, people experiencing depression and anxiety control their symptoms or even recover, alongside conventional medication by, interacting with nature.

It was also proved that in some cases, nature can significantly improve the symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), by providing a calming influence and helping them concentrate.

2. It’s Good For Your Body


Studies revealed that hiking is a powerful cardio workout that can:

  • Lower your risk of heart disease
  • Improve your blood pressure and blood sugar levels
  • Boost bone density, since walking is a weight-bearing exercise
  • Build strength in your glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, and the muscles in your hips and lower legs
  • Strengthen your core
  • Improve balance
  • Help control your weight

Here is a Couple of Additional Tips to Step Up Your Thinking

  • Head for the hills. Even a small hill will intensify your heart rate and burn extra calories. Based on studies, a 5% to 10% incline equals a 30% to 40% increase in calorie burn. That’s a lot.
  • Use poles. Digging into the ground and propelling yourself forward pushes your upper body muscles to work harder and gives you a stronger cardio workout. Find quality trekking poles here (link to our online store).

3. You Can Make a More Intimate Connection


Without any distractions like work, social media, and the likes, you can focus on who’s with you on that hiking trip. This is a great time to bond if you are out with your family or friends.

Helping each other out while hitting the bumpy trails, laughing your heart out when bloopers take place, listening to one’s story on those idle moments, these and a lot more could create a deeper connection with your loved ones.

4. You Build Life Skills


Organizational skills, creativity, resourcefulness… these are only a few of those life skills you can gain or enhance when you hike and soak in the wilderness.

When you are immersed in nature, you are out of your comfort zones thus you are pushed to your limits. All those skills you’ve got will be exhausted to make the experience as smooth as possible.

5. You Appreciate Mother Earth Better


And because you have experienced all these great benefits of hiking and exploring the raw beauty of nature could bring, you’ll have more compassion to our planet Earth. You’ll realize the need to preserve its beauty so you can experience more of it.

Reconnecting to nature can bring so much to your being. Like Henry David Thoreau, a philosopher, once said: “I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees”.

Don’t miss out on the fun that hiking could bring. Start planning your first hike now.